March 16, 2022

Canada in Science - February 2022

Canada in Science

Map of Canada featuring lab in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto and London.

For February, check out the following ground-breaking, interdisciplinary research from across the country:

Journal Issue: Nature. 2022 Feb;602(7895):142-147.

Authors: Edgar RC, Taylor J, Lin V, Altman T, Barbera P, Meleshko D, Lohr D, Novakovsky G, Buchfink B, Al-Shayeb B, Banfield JF, de la Peña M, Korobeynikov A, Chikhi R, Babaian A.

PubMed ID: 35082445

Journal Issue: Nat Immunol. 2022 Feb;23(2):203-207.

Authors: Kaufmann E, Landekic M, Downey J, Chronopoulos J, Teimouri Nezhad S, Tran K, Vinh DC, Barreiro LB, Divangahi M.

PubMed ID: 35058614

Tryptophan-derived microbial metabolites activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in tumor-associated macrophages to suppress anti-tumor immunity

Journal Issue: Immunity. 2022 Feb 8;55(2):324-340.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.01.006.

Authors: Hezaveh K, Shinde RS, Klötgen A, Halaby MJ, Lamorte S, Ciudad MT, Quevedo R, Neufeld L, Liu ZQ, Jin R, Grünwald BT, Foerster EG, Chaharlangi D, Guo M, Makhijani P, Zhang X, Pugh TJ, Pinto DM, Co IL, McGuigan AP, Jang GH, Khokha R, Ohashi PS, O’Kane GM, Gallinger S, Navarre WW, Maughan H, Philpott DJ, Brooks DG, McGaha TL.

PubMed ID: 35139353

RIF1 acts in DNA repair through phosphopeptide recognition of 53BP1

Journal Issue: Mol Cell. 2022 Feb 16:S1097-2765(22)00101-0. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2022.01.025.

Authors: Setiaputra D, Escribano-Díaz C, Reinert JK, Sadana P, Zong D, Callen E, Sifri C, Seebacher J, Nussenzweig A, Thomä NH, Durocher D.

PubMed ID: 35216668

Superantigens promote Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection by eliciting pathogenic interferon-gamma production

Journal Issue: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A2022 Feb 22;119(8):e2115987119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2115987119.

Authors: Tuffs SW, Goncheva MI, Xu SX, Craig HC, Kasper KJ, Choi J, Flannagan RS, Kerfoot SM, Heinrichs DE, McCormick JK.

PubMed ID: 35165181

Studies selected by our Analyst Mena Abdel-Nour.